Anytime I have to fill out a bio of some sort, from an about page to a dating profile (online dating is officially the 10th circle) I have a deep desire to simply put the lyrics to ‘Who Am I’ and call it a day. It wouldn’t exactly be helpful, but damn would it be funny.

Hi! I’m Liz, and you’re reading this because somehow you found this page and want to know who the hell I am and what I’m about. Well, the Cliffnotes version is I’m just some chick who jumps out of planes for funsies, puts pen to the page, and wants to see the arts and her community thrive. Also, hockey.

If you want to know more than that, well, suppose you’ll just have to stick around to find out.

Though this website is pretty badass in my mindbrain, my skills and time don’t quite allow for that. So, unless someone wants to make it all pretty-like for me, my priorities will always be the projects I’m working on - offline.